Marigolds are an annual plant, other than the Marigold Tagetes Lucida which is a Perennial. There are a large variety […]
Marigolds are an annual plant, other than the Marigold Tagetes Lucida which is a Perennial. There are a large variety […]
We were privileged to host the first Byabarra Garden Gate tour last weekend. The idea is that each of us […]
This delicate Liquorice herb (Tagetes filifolia) was actually difficult to propagate but so worth the effort for its strong and […]
Our lovely neighbour Mette gifted us some land cress and we have recently been able to separate it and share […]
During isolation, we decided to turn the rabbit hutch into a veggie garden. We loved our bunnies, but Rabbits can […]
Lemongrass is one of my favourite scents and one of the first herbs we decided to plant in our Sydney […]
This beautifully winter flowering plant is said to repel dogs and cats. It is commonly known as Dogbane (Plectranthus caninus) […]
Thanks to our crop swapping friend Cecilia, we’ve started collecting Salvia’s for the food forest at Booyong. Cecilia generously gifted […]
Everyone seems to be building polytunnels in their veggie gardens these days. Now that we have one, I can […]
These plants were gifted to us by our neighbour Anne and we have since shared them with many friends and […]
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